Editing and Translation
Your words, fit for purpose
Your manuscript or other writing polished to make the best impression possible.
The highest quality Dutch-to-English translation, so that you can focus on what you want to say, not on how to express it in English.
Your message shaped into a story that the target audience wants to read and engage with.
Excellence in written works that hit just the right note with readers and reviewers."
Michelle Luijben, Editor, Translator and Writer

Specialized in science editing and writing on complex topics, particularly in relation to environmental fields, development studies and social sciences.
For academics, centres of expertise, think tanks, government agencies, global corporations, publishers and non-profit organizations located in the Netherlands, Europe, North America, Africa and Asia.
I also provide technical writing — to clearly communicate your product’s unique features and usage to customers.

Marks Editing and Translation
More than 20 years of editorial experience in international environment, with an understanding of the specific requirements of different outlets and disciplines. Ample in-house experience combined with freelance practice. Reliability in working on deadline. You get quick turnaround and dedicated feedback and support.
Everywhere the written word matters.
Projects range from manuscripts targeting scientific journals, monographs and collective volumes to funding requests, curricula vitae, applications and cover letters, evaluation reports, promotional texts, executive summaries, advertisements, reviews, press releases, brochures, websites, newsletters, annual reports, magazine articles, research reports and reference books.
>20 Years' Experience
5 Star Reviews
Quick Turnaround
Dedicated Support

You’ve got something written, but still aren’t quite happy with the way it sounds. Let me polish your manuscript, to present you and your ideas, academic outputs or research in the very best light.
Every manuscript benefits from revision by a professional, native-English-speaking editor. Academic works, scientific articles, books and corporate manuscripts all have the best chance of being published, read and cited when they’ve received thorough editorial correction and polishing.
Pledge to authors
– Absolute accuracy
– Obvious improvement
– A listening ear for specific concerns and questions
– Quick turnaround
– US, UK or “international” English.
From €60
Curious about how good your writing can be? Drop me an email or IM, or we can chat via WhatsApp. I’d be happy to answer any questions.